Saturday, October 25, 2008

Donnie is home- YEA!

Well... they said that Donnie's kidney stone operation was an outpatient procedure...but I know that when you deal with Short Bowel Syndrome that nothing is ever "cut and dry"... they wound up keeping him overnight at Ohio State Hosp and he came home yesterday late afternoon. I had to learn quit how to change his dressing and become a "nurse of sorts". I deal with his medical issues on a daily basis, but open wound care has never been something I had to do until now. I am quite surprised that when they pulled the Nephrostomy tube out of his kidney, they sent him home with the area open. Not to gross you out, but it looks like when you stick a knife in a piece of meat. It just looks like a deep cut with bruising around the area. Please continue to pray for healing and for the wound to close over...I am truly empathizing will all those moms out there whose children wet the bed, because the wound drains urine, so I have had to wash laundry like no tomorrow as well. The docs say that the major drainage will stop in a couple of days as the exit site starts to heal over. My other concern is that he does not develop skin breakdown from the tape and having to lay down for the most part. He does get up to go to the bathroom and walk around a little, but he is on percocet for the pain because he hurts so bad. I just feel so bad for my DH...he has dealt with his short bowel syndrome and has had to hook up to an IV every night since 1984 to get the nutrition that you and I can get just by simply eating...he doesn't have enough bowel to be able to digest when he gets hit with other issues, such as this kidney surgery, blood clots, etc...I just get so sad for him... really and truly a sadness comes over me for him when I pray. At the same time, I thank God that I am healthy. We really don't realize how truly blessed we are to be able to eat and breathe and see and do all of those things that come and seem so natural to us. These latest issues with Donnie since last Dec (two Groshon catheter surgeries, blood clots, ecoli,kidney) have really, really made me think and pray a ton and ponder about how I should be treating my body as if it were a temple, like God tells us it is. I thank Him that he has so fearfully and wonderfully made us into His likeness and that our bodies heal themselves so fabulously...He truly IS an AWESOME GOD! :)

I love you all and still thank you for your continued love, support, prayer and kind words of encouragement...I know that God has brought us all together for reasons that we can't fully comprehend...but I am seeing now how truly compassionate my little SBS#24 sisters are...and I thank Him for crossing my life path with each and every one of you! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear he is home. Are you a member of the Yahoo group for SBS 24? If you are, click on the left side on database and you can add your address and birthday there.

Anonymous said...

You are still in my prayers - big hugs to you!

Leona said...

your still in prayers..... glad he is home aswell....

Little Miss Sparkle said...

Thanks ladies! :)...many hugs and love coming your way...and I don't think that I am a member of the yahoo group- how do I join??

Wendy G. said...

I'm glad your DH is home and that your daughter is getting better...stay strong! You are all still in my prayers.