Hey there! :)
Just in case anyone is new to video bars...check out mine... Fred and Brookers are hilarious (but I have a weird and twisted sense of humor)...I couldn't get the exact videos that I wanted to upload, as they uploaded with most recent. So be sure to check out Brookers' "My United States of Whateva" and Fred "Loses His Meds".. those are my all-time favorites- ever! :) Of course I work with the youth at our church and teach Senior High Sunday School, so I would look at the things that our kids are watching on You Tube, My Space, etc...but seriously, if you ever want some "mindless" laughter- watch them...it will make you realize how normal you truly are...and as my Dad says "Normal is just a city in Illinois" :)
Build Me Up Buttercup
15 hours ago