I love this girl! This is Jenny, mother of Sadie Francis and one of my best friends. We met at work a long time ago when we applied, and were accepted, into the same department. My friend Judy was the supervisor at that time and she has the kind of voice that is soothing when she reads to you (she would make a GREAT children's storyteller). Anyway...Jenny and I started dozing and nodding off during that "fun-time adventure" of being read policies & procedures for an hour. This was forever and fondly known as "the running of the bulls" from that moment on. Jenny is a doodler by nature. During staff meetings, on the phone, etc...she doodles in notebook margins. She drew a bull dozing off with some zzzzz's coming out of a thought bubble. I thought we were going to laugh so hard we would pee our pants! I was the Wedding Coordinator at her wedding to Eric (or Erk, as I lovingly call him!)and was "Aunt Shannon" the whole time she was pregnant for Sadie. So you might say, we have adopted each other into our hearts and into our collective families. I call her G-Girl or Jennaaayy (like from Forrest Gump) and she calls me Shea. Jenny is only one of three friends that I can spill my guts to...bear my soul...cry...scream...curse...be loud with and no matter what...she still loves me anyway and does not label me, like the world tends to do. I am not too loud, too outgoing or too anything for her...when I am with Jenny, I am just right! :)
Build Me Up Buttercup
1 day ago
Awww! Shae, I love you too! I also feel totally accepted by you, no matter what, and it's truly invaluable to have a friend who also observes International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I also (temporarily) forgot about falling asleep during orientation. That was HILARIOUS! I miss seeing you every day! I love you! XOXOXOXo
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