Well....I tripped over a shoe in my daughter's room 3 weeks ago (you know, you tell your kids to pick up their stuff for a reason!) :)
Just when my left ankle was no longer swelling...I dropped the entire weight of my scrapbook bag on the same ankle and almost fractured it!!!- so now I look like a total doofus with an ankle brace on to hold my severly sprained ankle in place. This has been a real challenge at work, as I am supposed to prop my foot up and ice it...okay, prop my foot up at a "phone/desk" job and ice it how!???
Since I work in a big basket, I have managed to find a basket the size I need today and I brought one of those ice packs from home and wrapped it in a cloth napkin...Mac Gyver would be proud, no doubt! It is funny to see me typing and trying to face the computer while my leg is turned sideways!!!...I'll post some pix later :)
I called the doctor's office today to see how long I have to wear this sexy ankle splint/brace "thingy" and they said 4 weeks. 4 weeks!!!! ...I will be limping around and walking at a much slower pace than what I am accustomed to...so therein lies a whole new challenge!...I will keep you posted :)
Build Me Up Buttercup
15 hours ago